Kyrgyz banks halt money transfers through Russian banks

Kyrgyz Aiyl Bank and Кompanion Bank have stopped transfers through the Russian bank PJSC Sberbank, while Кompanion Bank has stopped transfers to Russian TBank.

Both banks report that transfers through Zolotaya Korona and Astra money transfer systems operate normally.

Money transfers (from Kyrgyzstan to Russia) can be made at the banks’ branches through Zolota Korona and Unistream systems, the Кompanion Bank has clarified.

Before Ally and Companion Banks’ statements, transfers to other Russian banks were halted by other Kyrgyz banks due to fears of secondary sanctions from the European Union and the United States.

The shareholders of Kompanion Bank CJSC include Mercy Corps, an international non-governmental organization that specializes in financial services and community development, the Netherlands Development Bank, and Triodos Investment Management.

The sole shareholder of Aiyl Bank is the State Agency for State Property Management under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic.

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