Sanctions left Russian police without climbing equipment

The sanctions imposed on the supply of goods from Japan affected the Russian police.

The Arbitration Court of St. Petersburg (Russia) has published a decision on the claim of the Federal State Budgetary Institution North-Western District Department of Logistics The Ministry of the Interior (FSBU). This entity is part of the Ministry’s structure and is engaged in providing equipment, equipment and clothing to police units. The FSBU demanded in court from the company Tactical Gear penalties in the amount of 359.900 rubles.

According to the court materials, in 2022, FSBU and Tactical Gear entered into a government contract. Tactical Gear was supposed to supply “mountaineering equipment in assortment within the framework of the state defense order.”

However, the company could not supply all the climbing equipment. The company ordered part of this equipment from another company, Group 99 LLC.

In 2023, Group 99 reported that it was impossible to complete the delivery of goods. This impossibility was due initially to the refusal of a supplier of materials from Japan, due to sanctions imposed. After some climbing equipment was not delivered, FSBU appealed to court, which supported its claims.

The Group 99 company is under US sanctions, it is part of the Russian Kalashnikov concern engaged in the production of weapons. A year ago, the Group 99 changed its name and became known as the Triada – Tactics, Competences, Equipment.

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