Kazakhstan introduces restrictions on the validity period of bank cards for non-residents

Kazakhstan has introduced restrictions on the validity period of bank cards for non-residents. The cards will now be valid only for 12 months.

The decision to limit the validity of payment cards was made by the Agency for Regulation and Development of the Financial Market of Kazakhstan. In addition, the number of payment cards issued to customers has also been reduced.

The agency explained these measures as being aimed at minimizing risks associated with the use of bank services for drug trafficking and other illegal activities.

These measures likely target Russians who opened accounts with international payment systems in Kazakhstan over the past three years following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in March 2022 and subsequent suspension of Visa and MasterCard operations in Russia.

Now, to open a Visa or MasterCard card, Russians use the services of intermediaries who offer bank cards in Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Turkey. To open such a card, a Russian must pay at least 200 euros.

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