Belarus bans goods from Poland, the Czech Republic, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia

The Government of Belarus responded to the EU’s sanctions extended against the country on July 1st, 2024 and supplemented lists of goods prohibited from imported and sold in the country.

According to a decree issued, a list of goods banned for import and sales in the Republic of Belarussian territory originating from unfriendly countries was supplemented with high-pressure polyethylene, tires, OSB boards, plywood, wood products, paper products, sanitary products and paper and cardboard including corrugated packaging, rags and fiberglass including glass wool.

The list of goods prohibited for import and sale on the territory of the Republic of Belarus originating from Poland, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia has been supplemented with the following items: bags, suitcases, wallpapers, ceramic tiles, sanitary products, refrigerators, freezers, other refrigerating and freezing equipment, washing machines and diapers.

These restrictions come into force on October 15, 2024.

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