PACE resolves not to ratify the credentials of the delegation of Azerbaijan

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe has resolved not to ratify the credentials of the Azerbaijani delegation, which were challenged on the opening day of the session, concluding that the country has “not fulfilled major commitments” stemming from its joining the Council of Europe 20 years ago.

“The Assembly deplores that more than 20 years after joining the Council of Europe, Azerbaijan has not fulfilled major commitments stemming therefrom … Moreover, the Assembly strongly regrets that it has not been invited to observe the forthcoming presidential election despite Azerbaijan’s obligation to send such an invitation as the country is under monitoring procedure,” the Assembly said in a resolution.

The resolution was adopted today with 76 votes in favour, 10 against and 4 abstentions.

“The delegation of Azerbaijan may resume its activities in the Assembly when conditions provided by the Rules of Procedure are met,” said the parliamentarians.

The decision concerns only the credentials of the Azerbaijani parliamentary delegation. Azerbaijan continues to be a full member of the Council of Europe.

“The delegation of Azerbaijan strongly rejects the initiation of the challenge, on the substantial grounds, of its still unratified credentials. We are of the view this initiative is a clear manifestation of deep-rooted bias and prejudice against Azerbaijan as an independent and sovereign nation… The refusal to ratify the credentials of our delegation will be a serious blow to the authority of the PACE and the Council of Europe in general, and the responsibility for its serious consequences lies with the initiators of this short-sighted move”

Samad Seyidov (Azerbaijan), member of the Committee on the Honouring of Obligations and Commitments by Member States of the Council of Europe

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