Vladimir Zelensky sanctions 3 individuals and 18 legal entities

The President of Ukraine, Vladimir Zelensky, imposed sanctions against three individuals and 18 legal entities.

These sanctions were imposed by Decree No.692/2024, dated July 17, 2021.

The reasons for including companies in the sanction list have not been disclosed, but according to the decree, these sanctions will remain in effect for three years.

These individuals and entities have been added to the sanctions list:

  • Alexander Axt, DOB 26.02.1986, German citizenship;
  • Valeriy Falkovsky, DOB 05.08.1974, citizenship of Ukraine;
  • Vladislav Studenets, DOB 14.04.1984, citizenship of Ukraine;
  • Герман Логiстик Сервic, Ukraine;
  • Премiум Пакет ГМБХ ЕНД КО. КГ, Ukraine;
  • Torg Invest West, Ukraine;
  • Рейнiз Трейдгруп, Ukraine;
  • Блокрiал, Ukraine;
  • Укрвiкбуд, Ukraine;
  • Мiтракорт, Ukraine;
  • Грандмiст, Ukraine;
  • Боненторг, Ukraine;
  • Будiвельна фiрма Рембудмонтаж, Ukraine;
  • Грiно Iмпекс, Ukraine;
  • Прайм Трейдент, Ukraine;
  • Клайд-Iндастрi, Ukraine;
  • Ареома, Ukraine;
  • Бiзнестрек, Ukraine;
  • Альфагалактик, Ukraine;
  • Барiтренд, Ukraine;
  • Ленокс Трейдiнг, Ukraine.

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