Canada has imposed additional sanctions on Russia. The Government of Canada has claimed that the sanctions are directed against individuals and legal entities involved in operations on disinformation and propaganda.
In addition, the sanctions aim to organizations involved in circumventing sanctions that facilitate Russia’s access to sanctioned goods and a ban on the export of numerical control machines that Russia can use for weapon production.

The sanctions list includes Ekaterina Mizulina, head of the Safe Internet League; Alexander Malkevich, member of the Public Chamber of Russia; Aram Gabrelyanov, media manager; Pobeda Airlines; TV channels Saint Petersburg, Tavria TV, Mariupol 24, and Rossiyskaya Gazeta.
These individuals and entities have been added to the sanctions list:
- Evgeny Andreevich SHESTAKOV (born in 1969) (also known as Eugeniy Andreevich SHESTAKOV)
- Alexander Alexandrovich MALKEVICH (born on June 14, 1975) (also known as Aleksandr Aleksandrovich MAL’KEVICH and Alexandr Aleksandrovich MAL’KEVICH)
- Yulia Fyodorvna SHAMAL (born on June 5, 1977) (also known as Julia Fedorovna SHAMAL)
- Maksim Anatolyevich SHUGALEY (born on February 24, 1966) (also known as Maxim Anatolyevich SHUGALEI)
- Alexander Gennadyevich SIDYAKIN (born on November 17, 1977) (also known as Aleksander Gennadievich SIDYAKIN)
- Anton Andreevich ALIKHANOV (born on September 17, 1986)
- Boris Vsevolodovich GROMOV (born on November 7, 1943)
- Ekaterina Mikhailovna MIZULINA (born on September 1, 1984) (also known as Yekaterina Mihailovna MIZULINA)
- Veronika Yuryevna KRASHENINNIKOVA (born on October 12, 1971)
- Alexandra Vladimirovna KOSTERINA (born on February 26, 1980) (also known as Aleksandra Vladimirovna KOSHARNITSKAYA)
- Aram Ashotovich GABRELYANOV(born on August 10, 1961)
- Electroagregat JSC
- Research and Development Association “Electromashina”, SC
- Electroavtomatika JSC
- Elecond JSC
- Novorossiysk Shipping Company (also known as Novorossiysk Shipping Company, PAO or PJSC “Novoship” or “Novoship”)
- Pobeda LLC (also known as Pobeda Airlines)
- Russian National Reinsurance Company JSC (also known as RNRC or RNPK).