Japan and South Korea have imposed sanctions on Russia for cooperation with North Korea

The Government of Japan has announced sanсtions on one Russian individual and nine entities for cooperation with North Korea. These entities transfer and procurement of all arms and related materiel to and from North Korea, noticed the goverment.

At the same time, South Korea has imposed sanctions on three Russian vessels, MAIA-1 (9358010), MARIA (8517839), and seven North Koreans. The South Korean Foreign Ministry stated that these individuals were involved in the purchase of materials and funding for North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs, including transporting military cargo, arms trade, importing refined oil, and earning foreign currency.

These individuals and entities have been added to Japan’s sanction list:

  • Vladimir Vladimirovich MIKHEYCHIK (also known as Vladimir Vladimirovich MIKHEICHIK) (born on May 16, 1970);
  • Vladimir Ivanovich SHASTIN;
  • Sovfracht JSC (also known as OJSC SOVFRACHT and SVH-Freight JSC);
  • Azia Shipping Company LLC (also known as Sudokhodnaya Kompaniya Azia LLC, AZSCO and Azia Shipping Co);
  • The 224th Flight Unit State Airlines JSC (also known as TTF Heavy Lifting);
  • Marine Trans Shipping LLC;
  • M Leasing LLC;
  • MG-Flot LLC (also known as TransMorFlot, TransMorFlot Shipping Company and Transseaport).

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