South Korea has imposed sanctions on two Russian companies

South Korea has imposed sanctions on two Russian companies and their representatives. Two cargo ships have also been sanctioned.

According to the South Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Russian Intellekt LLC and its representative, Sergey Mikhailovich Kozlov, assisted the North Korean Academy of Defense Development with obtaining foreign currency by providing necessary identification documents for North Korean IT personnel to work in Russia.

The second company, Sodeistvie, and its representative Alexander Fedorovich Panfilov were engaged in sending North Korean workers to Russia, ensuring their entry and stay in the country.

Sanctionslists has found that Sodeistvie and Intellekt LLC are based in Moscowю Sodeistvie is a consulting company andIntelleKt is a construction company.

Additionally, South Korea has sanctioned two vessels transporting military cargo between Russia and North Korea:

  • LADY R (IMO number 9161003);
  • ANGARA (IMO number 9179842).

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