Switzerland aligned its sanctions with the EU’s sanctions against Belarus

The Swiss government has aligned its sanctions list with the latest update of EU sanctions against Belarus.

The government added 27 individuals to the sanctions list. Among them were judges who supported the regime of Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko. Some Belarusian propagandists, including Aliaksei Kryakvin, were also sanctioned.

In 2020, mass protests started in Belarus after the announcement of results from presidential elections. Protesters accused the authorities of rigging the election. According to official data from the Central Election Commission, Lukashenka won 80.1 percent of the vote. Foreign exit polls showed he received only 10.09 percent of votes.

These individuals were added to the sanction list:

  • АНАНЕНКО Андрей Валерьевич, Ananenko Andrii Valeriovich. He is the head of the Main Department for Combating Organised Crime and Corruption (GUBOPiK) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  • БЕДУНКЕВИЧ Михаил Петрович, Byadunkevich Mikhail Piatrovich. He is the deputy head of the Main Department for Combating Organised Crime and Corruption (GUBOPiK) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the head of the third department of GUBOPiK, which is responsible for fighting extremism. GUBOPiK is one of the main bodies responsible for political persecution in Belarus.
  • КОВАЧ Дмитрий Александрович. He is the deputy head of the Main Department for Combating Organised Crime and Corruption (GUBOPiK) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  • КАВАЛЁВ Михаил, Kavaliou Mikhail. In his position as deputy head of the Department of State Prosecution of the Office for Supervision of Compliance with the Law of Court Decisions in Criminal Cases, Prosecutor General’s Office, Mikhail Kavaliou is responsible for numerous politically motivated criminal cases against Belarusian political opposition.
  • ДУБРОВКА Виктор Александрович, Dubrouka Viktar Aliaksandravich. He is the head of the correctional institution Penal Colony No 11.
  • КАЗАКОВ Павел Иванович, Kazakou Pavel Ivanavich. He is the head of the correctional institution Prison No 1 in Grodno.
  • ТОЛСТЕНКОВ Денис Анатольевич, Taustsiankou Dzianis Anatolievich. He is the head of the correctional institution Penal Colony No 4.
  • КОЛЕДА Василий Васильевич, Koleda Vasil Vasilevich. He is the deputy head of Prison No 1 in Grodno, where the political prisoner Ales Pushkin and the artist Ruslan Karchauli died due to not receiving proper medical care.
  • СОТНИКОВ Анатолий Григорьевич, Sotnikau Anatoliy Ryhoravich. He is a judge who has served in the Homel Regional Court since 2019, having been appointed by Aliaksandr Lukashenko.
  • ЦЕДРИК Андрей Михайлович, Tsedryk Andrei Mikhailovich. He is the head of Pre-trial Detention Centre No 1 in Minsk, which is also known as “Voldarka”.
  • МЛЕЧКО Андрей Викторович, Mlechka Andrey Viktaravich. He is a judge who has served in the Frunze District Court of the City of Minsk since 2021, having been appointed by Aleksandr Lukashenko.
  • АКУЛОВИЧ Ирина Борисовна, Akulovich Iryna Barisauna. She is a long-time supporter of Aliaksandr Lukashenka. In 2018, she was appointed by him as director-general of the biggest State news agency, Belarusian Telegraph Agency (BelTA), and still holds that position.
  • ШВЕДОВ Игорь Александрович, Shvedau Ihar Aliaksandravich. Ihar Shvedau is a judge who has served in the Mahiliou Regional Court since 2020, having been appointed by Aliaksandr Lukashenko. He has issued politically motivated sentences against opponents of the Lukashenko regime.
  • РАЧИЛОВСКИЙ Никита Святославович, Rachylouski Mikita Sviatoslavovich. He holds senior positions in the government institution the Youth Council, the GONGO Moving Forward and the media (the “Senate” television programme).
  • ЖУК Дмитрий Александрович, Zhuk Dzmitry Aliaksandrovich. He was previously the head of Lukashenko’s press service and a long-time director general of the biggest State news agency, Belarusian Telegraph Agency (BelTA).
  • ТУЛЕЙКО Вячеслав Иванович, Tuleyka Viachaslau Ivanavich. As a judge of the Minsk Regional Court, Viachaslau Tuleyka has represented the Lukashenko regime in numerous politically motivated trials and is responsible for the lengthy sentences against several media workers.
  • АНАНИЧ Елена Николаевна, Ananich Alena Mikalayeuna. She is a Belarusian judge who has served in the Minsk City Court since 2015, having been appointed by Aliaksandr Lukashenko.
  • ШОТИК Татьяна Викторовна, Shotsik Tatsiana Viktarauna. She is a judge who has served in the court of Leninsky district in Minsk since 2021, having been appointed by Aliaksandr Lukashenko.
  • СКОК Василий Владимирович, Skok Vasil Uladzimiravich. He is a judge who has served in the Grodno Regional Court since 2003, having been appointed by Aliaksandr Lukashenko.
  • ИВАНЮТЕНКО Станислав Владимирович, Ivaniutsenka Stanislau Uladzimiravicha. He is a judge who has served in the the court of the Rechitsa district of the Gomel region since 2019, having been appointed by Aliaksandr Lukashenko. He has issued politically motivated sentences against citizens of Belarus.
  • ХЛЫЩЕНКОВ Алексей Анатольевич, Khlyszczankau Aliaksey Anatolevich. He is a judge who has served in the Gomel Regional Court since 2019, having been appointed by Aliaksandr Lukashenko.
  • ЗЕМЦОВ Игорь Федорович, Ziamtsau Ihar Fiodaravich. He is a judge who has served in the Mogilev Regional Court since 2017, having been appointed by Aliaksandr Lukashenko.
  • КРЯКВИН Алексей Юрьевич, Kriakvin Aliaksei Iurievich. He is a propagandist for the State-owned ONT TV channel and is engaged in the production of propaganda material in support of the Lukashenka regime.
  • ШВЕЦОВ Виктор Аркадьевич, Shautsou Viktar Arkadzievich. Viktar Shautsou is a businessman operating in Belarus, with business interests in holography. He is the sole shareholder of Tekhnokhimtrade.
  • ДУБОВИК Ольга Анатольевна, Dubovik Volha Anatoleuna. She is a Belarusian judge who serves in the court of the Maladzechna district of the Minsk region.
  • ДУДАЛЬ Антон Геннадьевич, Dudal Anton Genadzevich. He is a judge who serves in the court of the Bobruisk district and the city of Bobruisk.

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