Switzerland has supported EU sanctions on the situation in Moldova

The Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education, and Research of Switzerland’s federal government (EAER) expanded the sanction list. Switzerland has thus joined the sanctions measures imposed by the European Union on 28 April 2023 and 30 May 2023.

Therefore, Switzerland joined the sanctions imposed by the European Union on April 28, 2023, and May 30, 2023. These measures were taken at the request of Moldova’s government due to increased destabilizing activities that threaten Moldova’s sovereignty and independence since Russia’s military invasion of Ukraine.

These individuals an entity were added to the sanction list:

  • Albot Maria. Sex: W DOB: 21 Jan 1986 Nationality: Moldova. Maria Albot is a long-time trusted associate of listed person Ilan Shor. She currently has a leading role in one of his foundations, the “Miron Shor” Foundation, and she is involved in the “Bank Fraud” case that affected the financial stability of the Republic of Moldova.
  • Corşicova Arina Evgheni. Sex: W DOB: 28 Dec 1974 Nationality: Moldova. Arina Corșicova leads several communications media trusts in the Republic of Moldova, one of which owns two television channels, “ACCENT TV” and “PRIMUL ÎN MOLDOVA”, the broadcasting licences of which were suspended by the Republic of Moldova, for disseminating incorrect political information in the Republic of Moldova.
  • Chitoroagă Dumitru. Sex: M DOB: 23 Dec 1984 Nationality: Moldova. Dumitru Chitoroagă is the administrator of a media trust which owns several media communication channels in the Republic of Moldova. Those media communication channels frequently promote messages aimed at obstructing and undermining the democratic political process through evidently false claims regarding the government of the Republic of Moldova.
  • Guzun Chiril. Sex: M DOB: 27 Apr 1979 POB: Ratus, Criuleni, Moldova Nationality: Moldova. He is the founder and current leader of the “Scutul Poporului”, a paramilitary organisation in the Republic of Moldova, including former military, police and law-enforcement personnel, which uses violence while attending protests, particularly to destabilise the Republic of Moldova.
  • Milyutin Dmitry. Sex: M DOB: 30 May 1967 POB: Ijevsk, Russian Federation Nationality: Russian He is the Deputy Head of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB)’s Department of Operational Intelligence, responsible for Russia’s covert operations in the Republic of Moldova since 2016.
  • Petrov Victor. Sex: M DOB: 29 Jun 1975 Nationality: Moldova. Victor Petrov is a deputy to the bashkan of the People’s Assembly of Gagauzia and the leader of the People’s Union of Gagauzia, a manifestly pro-Russian sociopolitical movement that merged with the “Renaștere” political party.
  • Public Association – Association of People with Epaulettes “Scutul Poporului”. Address: 74, Mitropolit Varlam street, Chişinău, Moldova. “Scutul Poporului” is a paramilitary organisation in the Republic of Moldova, including former military, police and law-enforcement personnel. It is led by Chiril Guzun and it attends protests, particularly to destabilise the Republic of Moldova, by using violence.

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