The Council of the European Union has decided to prolong the restrictive measures against those responsible for undermining the independence of Ukraine for another six months, until 15 September 2024. The decision was published in the official journal of the European Union.
Meanwhile, the Council decided not to renew the listings of three individuals:
- Arkady Yurievich Volozh (Аркaдий Юрьевич Волож);
- Jozef Hambalek (Йозеф Хамбалек);
- Serguey Achotovich Mndoniants (Сергей Ашотович Мндоянц)
Arkady Volozh was the head and co-founder of Russian Russian multinational technology company providing Internet-related products and services, including an Internet search engine called Yandex Search.

Additionally, nine deceased individuals were removed from the sanction list:
- Dimitriy Valerievich Utkin (Дмитрий Валерьевич Уткин);
- Nikolay Ivanovich Bortsov (Николай Иванович Борцов);
- Viktor Vladislavovich Subarev (Виктор Bладиславович Зубарев);
- Anton Valerevich Kuprin (Антон Валерьевич Куприн);
- Oleg Nikolaevich Popov (Олег Николаевич Попов);
- Gennadiy Valeryevich Zhidko (Геннадий Валериевич Жидко);
- Elena Osipovna Avdeeva (Елена Осиповна Авдеева);
- Igor Vladimirovich Panchenko (Игорь Владимирович Панченко);
- Oleg Yurievich Tsokov (Олег Юрьевич Цоков)
Euriean sanctions will continue to apply to over 2100 individuals and entities from Russia.