The EU lifts sanctions on Iranian tech company ArvanCloud

The European Union has lifted sanctions on the Iranian technology company, ArvanCloud, according to a statement published in the official journal of the EU.

Arvan Cloud (a.k.a. Abr Arvan; Noyan Abr Arvan Co.; Arwan Company; Arvancloud) is a tech startup that offers various cloud solutions. Currently, its portfolio includes cloud products, such as Cloud CDN, Manage DNS, Cloud Security, Video Streaming, Live Streaming Platform.

In 2022, the EU imposed sanctions against Arven Cloud, deciding that it helped the Iranian government to censor the Internet and restrict access to information.

The company has also been linked to individuals responsible for human rights violations in Iran. However, after analyzing Arvan’s activities and finding that it had stopped its support for these activities, the EU decided to lift the sanctions.

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