The U.S. prepares new sanctions on Iran

National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan has announced new sanctions on Iran after its unprecedented air attack against Israel.

“In the coming days, the United States will impose new sanctions targeting Iran, including its missile and drone program,” said Jake Sullivan.

He added that over the past three years, the U.S has sanctioned more than 600 people and entities related to terrorism, financing terrorism, and other illegal activities.

“The pressure will continue,” stressed Jake Sullivan.

On April 7th, Iran launched 120 ballistic missiles and 30 cruise missiles at Israel, as well as 170 drones, trying to hit military bases and government buildings. The attack lasted for about five hours.

After that attack, the Israeli government stated that Iran must pay a price for its aggression and the initial price must be the immediate recognition of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps – which launched the extensive terrorist attack last night – as a terrorist organization.

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