The US Department of State imposed sanctions on three Israeli individuals and two entities

The US Department of State decided to increase sanctions on Israeli settlers in the West Bank.

The sanctions were imposed due to the actions of these individuals and organizations that undermined peace, security, and stability in the West Bank, according to the US Department.

These individuals and entities were sanctioned:

  • Neriya Ben Pazi. He has expelled Palestinian shepherds from hundreds of acres of land.
  • Zvi Bar Yosef. According to the statement he engaged in repeated violence and attempts to engage in violence against Palestinians in the West Bank.
  • Zvis farm was established by and is owned by Zvi Bar Yosef. The farm uses as a base from which he perpetrates violence against Palestinians.
  • Moshe Shavrit. He attacked Palestinian civilians and Israeli human rights defenders in the vicinity of Moshes farm.
  • Moshes farm was founded by Moshe Shavrit in 2021.

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