UN imposes sanctions on Al-Shabaab leaders

The United Nations Security Council has added three individuals linked to Al-Shabaab to its sanctions list of individuals and entities subject to measures imposed by the Security Council under Chapter VII of the UN Charter.

These individuals are:

  • Abdulkadir Mohamed Abdulkadir, a senior Al-Shabab leader born in 1985 in Somalia.
  • Mohamed Mire, known as a member of the Shura council of Al-Shabbab, born between 1960 and 1955, from Kismayo in Somalia
  • Ma’d Umurow, also known as Mohamed Omar Haji or Mohamed Omar Ma’alin, leader of the Al Shabab group in Dinsor, born in the Taflow village in Berdaale district, Bay region, Somalia in 1976.

According to the information from the US National Counterterrorism Center, Harakat Shabaab al Mujahideen – commonly known as Al-Shabaab – is the militant wing of the Somali Islamic Courts Council that took over most of Southern Somalia in the latter half of 2006. Despite being defeated by Somali and Ethiopian forces in 2007, Al-Shabab, a clan-based insurgent and terrorist organization, has continued its violent insurgency in Southern and Central Somalia.

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