Wix website builder stops providing services for residents of Russia

Wix website builder stops providing services for residents of Russia starting September 12, 2024. The support service of Wix has announced that all accounts, both free and paid, will be blocked.

Wix offered users from Russia the option to transfer their domain to another registrar or hosting service. This platform is used by over 250 million users worldwide, although the exact number from Russia is unknown.

Wix is headquartered in Tel Aviv and its IPO took place on the NASDAQ in November 2013, raising $127 million.

“If you are not a resident of Russia and believe that you should be exempt from the new rules requiring Wix to stop providing services to Russian residents, you can apply for an exemption by providing proof that you are a non-resident. Contact the Wix customer support team and provide a detailed explanation of why you are not resident in Russia. Provide official documents including your full name and proof that you do not reside in Russia, such as a registration certificate, utility bills or a residence certificate. You must also provide supporting documents for the past three months (e.g., a certificate of residency or utility bill).” – said Wix’s customer service

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